Scientific journals
Plus de 100 revues scientifiques de qualité sont surveillées en permanence pour repérer les textes pertinents au développement durable et à la responsabilité sociétale en contexte de PME.
1 |
Academy of Management Journal |
12276 |
2 |
Accounting Review |
10208 |
3 |
Black Enterprise |
20271 |
4 |
British journal of management |
12054 |
5 |
Business and society |
10856 |
6 |
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences |
9014 |
7 |
Communications et stratégies |
8394 |
8 |
Creativity and Innovation Management |
10811 |
9 |
Economics of Innovation and New Technology |
9543 |
10 |
Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies |
13279 |
11 |
Entrepreneur Magazine |
37454 |
12 |
Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice |
9737 |
13 |
European journal of innovation management |
10212 |
14 |
European management journal |
11823 |
15 |
Futures |
9790 |
16 |
Group and organization management |
48373 |
17 |
Harvard business reviez |
9651 |
18 |
Human relations |
59450 |
19 |
Human Resource Development Quarterly |
51030 |
20 |
Human Resource Management |
28841 |
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